Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A lot of Happenings!

Oh my, it has been awhile since I have posted!! With summer finally arriving in the form of nice warm weather, we have been very busy with outdoor fun. :-)

Along with the outdoor weather came a new renewed desire to GET IN SHAPE. Esp with a pool pass, I refuse to be embarrassed to go to the pool this yr. Started Nutrisystem, and so far it has gone fantastic!!! Lost 5 and a half inches just in my waist alone :-) And the food is super yummy, so no complaints so far. Praise God!! Also started the couch to 5k plan, AND been working out using Zumba and Pole fitness at the Girl's Club gym. :-) So far so good and Im LOVING the energy that comes along with this new healthier lifestyle. :-)

Another exciting thing is the addition to our guinea pigs!! Pipsqueak had two babies!!!! The kids have named them Smudge and Elvis, and they are ADORABLE. They will stay with their mommy till 6 wks, then we will have the difficult decision of who stays and who we find another home for. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. For now we are enjoying how adorable they are. The kids LOVE playing with them and they are very sweet and active!



We also got out the slip and Slide, which we have played on pretty much everyday. Lol. So far, this summer has been so much fun. We also have a pass to the Zoo, so we went there with my adorable nieces and sister. The kids had a great time!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lucy Lane's Gotcha Day

ty comes home

Lecrae - Background Ft. C-Lite - Music Video

Enjoying our new togetherness

As week one of summer is half way through, I can honestly say we are finally getting into a good routine. :-) Kids have adjusted to being at home, and we are having a great time with all our new free time!  It's so fun watching the older two playing with Maverick during the day. It's a whole different dynamic seeing them grow together. The things Maverick has learned just from this short time of being with them 24/7 is amazing. And listening to the three of them giggling all day is the sweetest sound. I'm very much looking forward to this summer and once again, as always, thankful for the blessing to get to be here to spend it with them. God's plans for me, as a mommy, are such a great blessing. To be entrusted to shape the next generation for Christ is such a big honor. Thank God for Him entrusting me with these three beautiful blessings and I pray if God has it in our plans for more down the road, that He would show us his plans.

It was such a chilly, windy day today. So we spent the day lounging around, watching movies, talking and playing. I love days like this. :-) Off to guitar lesson tonight, where i learned to play Bon Jovi Dead or Alive. hehe. So much fun. Well, I better head to bed, I have munchkins to tend to in the morning. :-) I will leave you with a few videos that always inspire me to do what God has called of me. God bless!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

A Monday at the Ball Park

What a busy day today turned out to be!! Bad part about that, my clean house is now in need of a good cleaning again. LOL. Story of my life. ;-) But thats ok. Was meaning to go to the zoo today, had everything packed etc, got the kids in the car, and realized NO KEYS!!! After searching for about an hr, still nothing, so we had to think of a plan B. So the kiddos and their cousins had a picnic in the backyard and played, then the long walk to the park. :-) Followed immediately by Kamryn's dance rehearsal, then straight to the ball park for her softball game, followed by Carter's tball game. Phew!! Talk about some exhausted kids, praying for a late wake up time tomorrow!!! Sad I had to miss women's group, but am so proud of my two munchkins who did GREAT at their games!!!!

Praying for the families in Joplin tonight. What a sad devastation that has come to that town. May God look down on you and dry your tears and help you through these days of mourning. In a small town, I can't even imagine something that awful happening. Praying the storms we get this storm season do not reach this level!!!

Off to bed for another exciting day tomorrow. With the kids home from school for the summer, we plan on keeping busy with lots of fun activities. Stay tuned to hear what they are! ;-)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Awwww Sundays :-)

What a fun relaxing day this has been. Started off with church with the family. A wonderful message reminding us that it is by faith we are saved, not anything we can do. May we always put an unwavering faith in Jesus and watch his wonderful plan unfold. :-)
Had a fantastic lunch with my parents, then home we went. Got to get a babysitter and go on a great daytime movie date with my wonderful hubby. Saw the movie Thor, and wow, it was GREAT!! Loved it! If you haven't seen it yet, you def should! A little disappointed in the ending, but just sets up for a sequel I spose. ;-)

So tonight starts night one of the couch to 5k plan. Yes, I have started it in the past, but never followed through. So my goal this time is make it through the full training. One of Jeremy's favorite things to do is run, and has always hoped I could join him. I figure its about time I at least try. ;-) Between that, the Nutrisystem Im starting exclusively tomorrow and Zumba, Im hoping to actually ENJOY buying a swim suit in a few months. :-P I know I can do it. Its all about will power for me. I have a hard time sticking to it, but trying to remind myself I owe it to my kids to be in the best shape I can be. Also God will help me through in becoming a better, stronger person who will extend their life to do His work even more :-) God Bless everyone!!!! And pray I make it through running..............hehe